Sexual health has been a topic of great debate in wellness. One of the things we admire most about Jena Covello, Agent Nateur’s founder and lead alchemist, is her commitment to women’s wellness. We thought long and hard whether a personal lubricant was on-brand for our store or our clientele and if it was something we felt comfortable promoting in such a public way. Why did we give this a thumbs up? Well, Jena’s formula is so much more than a recipe designed for a romp in the sheets, it’s a full circle sexual tool to address pre and post-menopausal dryness that traditional medicine or chemical-laden-lubricant often ignores. Lube is often marketed to couples for the sole purpose of enhancing a little afternoon delight but we all know that’s not the only time we as women can suffer uncomfortable dryness or need a little moisture-boost below.
Your intimate areas, like your mouth and eyes, are comprised of mucous membranes which are not only comprised of soft tissue, it absorbs what you put into it because it is much more permeable than your normal skin. So why would you put something in your lady bits you wouldn’t put in your mouth? We wouldn't.
Ingredients in conventional lubricant:
- Methylparaben: is an antifungal agent often used in a variety of cosmetics and personal-care products. Though EWG ranks this as a moderate health concern due to irritation, mucous membranes are a considerable sensitive part of the body. Parabens have been linked to breast cancer in a number of studies throughout the years.
- Propylene Glycol: a large scale production polymer used for binding or as a humectant. This ingredient also lowers the freezing point of water which is why it is most popularly used in anti-freeze.
One of the main ingredients in Holi (Sex), coconut oil, is a favored lubricant from naturopaths to naturalists, not only does it liquefy at body temperature- it also provides a deeply hydrating, comfortable form of personal lubricant with a lovely tropical scent. It also includes almond oil, vanilla, rose, and jasmine, which adds to the intoxicating scent but also increases pleasure sensors. Jasmine has been found to increase libido and oxygenate the blood, a treat for both partners!
So you’re solo! Good for you, take tremendous pride in a solo session, Agent created this intoxifying oil as a lovely last step to your ritual with true self-care at its core. If you just need a little rediscovery or suffer uncomfortably from hormonal dryness, consider this your new bedside buddy. Part of a pair? No problem. Same-sex and hetero couples can benefit greatly from this pleasure-improving intimacy aid.