I am so excited to share with you the wonderful organization that we donate to during our Glam Bag events. I have committed to independently donating a percentage of Glam Bag sales to the Phoenix Dream Center. This is a local organization that is a multi-purpose center that works to fight against human trafficking, child hunger and addiction. I am so passionate about each and every one of these causes that they aim to end and I believe it’s the perfect fit for Citrine to give back to. I invite you to learn more about this foundation and everything they do here.
Phoenix Dream Center has an outstanding mission that serves the Phoenix local community and their influence stretches wide beyond. Their mission is to reach in and mine the incredible potential that lies within the lives of at-risk youth, the homeless and the needy families of the community by restoring hope and allowing them to dream again.
This multifaceted organization has a variety of issues that they tackle. They have programs set up to end human trafficking, fight child hunger and work with addicts. As most of us are well aware, each of these concerns are of utmost importance and to find a non-profit that fosters systems to end these problematic issues is a rare commodity.
It is deeply saddening to live in this day where there are over 2 million children who are enslaved worldwide by the abominable human trafficking industry. It is an ever increasing and rampant problem that we need to continue to awaken to. Phoenix Dream Center aims to rescue, stabilize and rebuild the futures of those children and youth victim to human sex trafficking. They also work with crisis pregnancy concerns by providing a safe refuge and specialized consoling in a safe and nurturing environment.
Phoenix Dream Center is not only paving the way for eradication of child trafficking, they are also fostering safe environments and recovery options for children who are being removed from their families. Children oftentimes can be removed from their original family unit due to lack of basic needs and resources. The Phoenix Dream Center works directly with the Arizona Department of Child Safety to connect clients and children with the proper resources and needs that will support them. They aim to prevent, reunify and rebuild stable homes that will foster a hopeful and positive future.
Not only do they fight human trafficking and foster children with their programs, Phoenix Dream Center also aids in addiction recovery. It is quite alarming to hear that almost 21 million Americans have at least one addiction, yet only 10% of them receive treatment. Addiction and substance abuse is a worldwide epidemic that comes in many shapes and sizes. PDC specializes in healing men and women who are straight off the streets, out of a rehabilitation center or even fresh out of jail. They have a residential recovery plan that helps suffering individuals overcome life-controlling issues that include everything from substance abuse to anger, to depression and any other emotional residue leftover by any form of abuse and trauma.
This organization has such a wide variety of programs and support systems put in place to heal many issues that are not inclusive to the ones mentioned above. They also aim to end hunger with their community outreach program that is now focused on aid to homeless and low income families affected by COVID-19. Additionally, they have an entire Leadership School where they help young adults discover their potential and purpose where they work to build brighter futures for those less fortunate.
This is an excellent organization that I feel a strong pull towards. As a Mother to a young daughter, these issues pull at my heart strings. I am committed to assisting in any way that I can and this organization gives me much hope in the eradication of human trafficking, child hunger, addiction recovery and healing for any inflicted by trauma. I am so honored to have your support during our Glam Bag promotion as it helps us all be a part of the progress towards a better future.
Phoenix Dream Center Social Platform
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