When You Need To Zen Out

Multi-tasking, staring at screens, filling our calendars to the brim, staying up late-- this is the usual for a lot of us. We are all experiencing the stresses and anxieties that our lifestyles contribute to, especially because we are constantly surrounded by technology, WiFi and other triggers in our environment. From blue light to 5G, our bodies are exposed to harmful electro-magnetic frequencies on the daily. These EFMs cause stress to the body, mind and spirit and affect us all, whether we know it or not.

Stress and anxiety has been quite a topic of discussion lately, not only here at Citrine where we are opening up to more conversations centered around wellness and wellbeing, but across the globe during this time. Everyone can relate to the feeling of stress, worry, anxiety and unsettled emotions. Stress is a part of daily life and thankfully, we have the choice to accept it, acknowledge it and work towards healing it. The first step in combating stress is to understand what it is and where it comes from.

So, what is stress? Stress is your brain’s emotional response to an external activity or demand. It is how the brain and body react to the world around you. Your body responds to these events by producing the hormone cortisol which is made in the adrenal glands and released into the bloodstream throughout the day. Excessive levels of cortisol, also referred to as the "stress hormone" can cause many imbalances and disruptions in the body which can produce a range of negative outcomes from weight gain, immune system suppression, heart disease and depression. Keeping cortisol and other stress related hormones at healthy levels is going to keep you stable and grounded. Working in tandem, the mind, body and soul come together to create a divine connection that allows you to balance your overall being. It's important to become aware of the moments when stress arrives and to take a moment to yourself to indulge yourself in self care.

While there are many effective ways to reduce stress and regain optimal health, our favorite strategy is of course, self care. Aside from getting proper sleep, eating a wholesome & fresh diet, practicing breathwork and meditation, we believe minimizing stress requires a team approach by combining some of the practices along with some key products that will immediately zen you out. We have an artillery of products we reach for in times of anxiety but some of our absolute favorites for an instant stress fix are the Lotus Wei products.

Lotus Wei has a beautiful line of flower essence-infused elixirs, mists and oils that you can add to your self care ritual. The focus of their multi-sensory products is the flower essences they use. As our environment continues to hurdle static and stress at us, it's empowering to have access to a product that connects us with mother Earth. Flower essences are liquid extracts and infusions made from the flowering part of a plant. They are essentially the energy of the flower captured into an elixir and they are used to heal emotional wounds, assist in soul development and balance the mind body connection.

Flower essences dissolve stress, improve sleep, reduce irritation, soothe our souls and allow us to access our deep intuitive natures. Utilizing the positive healing power of flowers through these magical potions will get you on track with accelerated wellness and growth. Being mindful about which products you purchase and use on your body and skin is becoming increasingly important (which is why you're here at Citrine) and having the opportunity to connect with nature through products that utilize the finest, most natural and pure ingredients.

Clear stagnant energy and empower yourself with the Lotus Wei Inner Peace Mist. This is one of our top choices for instant calm and total zen. This aura mist is formulated with soothing, hand-collected lavender and grounding coriander spice. These florals, herbs and spices work together to magnify your state of calm, enhance peace in the body, strengthen your confidence and provide you with comfort. Allow this mist to dissolve feelings of overwhelm, nervousness, lack of confidence and high stress levels. Use this mist as a reminder to pause, breath and find your center.

Self love, appreciation and gratitude are fundamental aspects when it comes to healing stress and finding your sense of calm. The Fierce Compassion Mist is a delicious combination of honey, rose, mandevilla and rose quartz gemstone essence to nurture your soul. Spray this 5 times a day to soften the edges of your mind and come back to a place of unconditional love. Having a deep sense of compassion for ourselves and others will allow the negative effects of stress to melt away as love is the ultimate healer!

Connecting to the Earth through the frequencies of the flowers is a profound way to heal our bodies, calm our minds and connect to our souls. Remembering to really fill up your own cup and care for yourself through the times of turmoil and stress is vital to your spiritual growth. Lotus Wei's beautiful formulas are such amazing tools to bring us back to a calm, steady and grounded place and for that, we are so thankful.


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