When it comes to beauty, the health industry is now realizing that skin is an actual endocrine organ. This means when our endocrine system which governs our hormones is disrupted, it creates imbalance in the way skin looks, acts and feels. The endocrine system is a series of glands which produce and secrete hormones that the body uses for a wide range of functions. These functions aid in growth, development, reproduction, skin repair, sleep cycles, metabolism and more. When the bodies largest organ is inundated with hormone disrupting ingredients, the industry in charge of making you look beautiful just might be making you sick instead.
These are precisely the fundamentals of why Melissa started her Citrine Beauty Bar in 2012 as she felt health shouldn’t be sacrificed when it comes to looking your best. Let’s talk about the four most toxic hormone disrupting chemicals still found in the beauty industry today.
When it comes to the endocrine system, one of the most dangerous disruptors might be plastic because it is used in everything. This man made chemical leaches hormone mimicking xenoestrogens such as BPA directly into the blood stream. Xenoestrogens alter the feedback loops in the brain and glands by mimicking the effects of estrogen. They then trigger specific hormone receptors that block the action of our natural hormones. Instead look for beauty products found in softer plastic BPA free labeled containers or glass. Avoid plastics marked with a “PC,” for polycarbonate, or recycling label #7.
Because chemicals used to grow the ingredients in the beauty industry are not required to be listed on packaging, learning how to avoid them is key. Pesticides such as organophosphates are neurotoxic compounds that attack the human nervous system while Iprodione, procymidone, vinclozolin are known to cause cancer. Instead, look for organically grown and biodynamic organic plant extracts, floral extracts, herbs and oils to avoid contamination.
A group of chemicals used to make plastic more flexible and harder to break, pthalates trigger what’s known as “death-inducing signaling” in male reproductive cells, making them die earlier than they should. Avoid plastic packaging, PVC or containers labeled with recycle code #3. Phthalates are also used in fragrance oils, known as DEP (Diethyl Phthalate) and solvents used to extend the aromatic strength in hair, skin, nail and body care products. Instead look for fragrance free products or ones that use natural essential oils and organic flowers to scent.
This controversial chemical is commonly used as a synthetic preservative in the beauty industry, often labeled as methylparaben, butylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben and isobutylparaben. These chemicals also disrupt hormone production, often mimicking estrogen. A British study in 2004 found parabens in the breast tissue of 19 out of 20 women studied. Parabens also have been linked to reproductive and fertility issues. Often used in moisturizers, skin cleaners, sunscreens, deodorants, shaving gels, toothpastes, makeup and more to extend shelf life. Instead look for natural preservatives and stabilizers such as grapefruit seed extract, rosemary oil, coconut oil, aloe vera and antioxidants.
In a world where green beauty has come so far, I encourage you to take a better look at your beauty products and see if they are really worth the possibility of irregular periods, hormonal breakouts, infertility, birth defects, cancer and more. We have safer options, now more than ever before.